Tutor Workshop September 24, 2016

Be the change you wish to see in the world is stenciled on Ella's bedroom door at home and the theme seemed fitting for NALA's upcoming Tutor Workshop!

When NALA board member Brooke Schroeder volunteered to put up a bulletin board at the Joplin Public Library advertising our workshop, she enlisted the help of her children Ella and Luke. Ella is in 5th grade and Luke is in 3rd grade and attend school in  Carl Junction. They rose to the task of designing a bulletin board that would get the attention of folks interested in tutoring adult learners in reading, math, and English.

The Tutor Worskhop will be held Saturday, September 24th, 2016 from 9:00 to 3:30 at Joplin NALA Read. The workshop is free and will prepare volunteers to become successful teachers of adult literacy students. To register, call us at 782-2646 or email joplinnala@123mail.org. We hope you will attend and become a volunteer tutor - changing lives one word at a time!