Spell Ball 2015 - KSN Local News

Joan Doner, Joplin NALA Read Program coordinator, shares all about the annual Spell Ball fundraiser including why the fundraiser is important to our literacy efforts, how to enter a team, and she even pitches a practice word. Watch the news spot with Eric on KSN and start practicing those spelling words.

Spell Ball 2015 will be held at the new Joplin High School on 20th Street and Indiana Avenue in Joplin, MO on Tuesday, March 24, 2015. Registration starts at 5:30pm and the opening ceremonies and first pitch will be at 6:00pm. Each team is guaranteed to play two games and there will be prizes for four teams. 

Sign up your team of up to three people here on our website or by contacting Joplin NALA by calling or going by the office at 123 S. Main Street, Joplin, MO.  We have space for a few more teams and would love to have you, your organization or club, and your friends compete to increase adult literacy awareness and support for adult learners in our community. In addition to the spelling bee there will be silent auction and concession stand; all proceeds will benefit adult literacy and English as a Second Language learners locally. If you would like to donate to the silent auction or want to volunteer for the event please let us know - we always welcome donations and volunteers.